Description of the product Bonduelle peas are canned peas ready for direct consumption. Processed according to modern, patented technology, canned Bonduel green peas retain their fresh taste and are suitable for direct consumption. You can also use canned Bonduel peas to prepare a variety of salads, rice dishes, meat and vegetables. Address of the supplier VK Komercial Europroduct OOD, Sofia, 2L Samokovsko Shosse Blvd., Boila shopping center Storage conditions To be stored in a dry and cool place. After opening, store in a refrigerator at a maximum of 4 °C in a clean and well-closed container. To be consumed within 48 hours. Address of the manufacturer VK Komercial Europroduct OOD, Sofia, 2L Samokovsko Shosse Blvd., Boila shopping center